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CP7 researcher Sepideh successfully defends her PhD thesis

Sepideh SamadzadeganCp7 researcher Sepideh Samadzadegan successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Printing Beyond Color: spectral and specular reproduction” on November 30, 2015 at the Computer Science Department, Interactive Graphics Systems group at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.

Heartiest Congratulations! to Dr. Sepideh Samadzadegan.

The PhD committee involved 6 professors (jury members). The jury members for Sepideh’s defense were Prof. Dr.-techn. Dieter W. Fellner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edgar Dörsam, Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Buchmann, Prof. Dr. Kay Hamacher, Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin.